    HomeBusiness4 Simple Ways To Turn Your Independent Business Green

    4 Simple Ways To Turn Your Independent Business Green

    Many companies are beginning to think much more about their impact on the environment, including their carbon footprint and the waste they produce.

    Businesses are some of the most impactful entities when it comes to pollution, and therefore, they are the ones that will be able to have the largest effect on reducing environmental damage.

    Understanding this duty to the world and society is essential for preserving our planet and strengthening public trust in your brand. Here are four very simple methods of helping your business become more sustainable.

    1. Choose Green Delivery Methods


    One of the first things you can think about when turning towards more green business methods is to look at your business’s transportation and logistics network. Figuring out ways in which you can reduce the carbon footprint of your delivery services and the rest of your company’s vehicles.

    Switching your company cars to electric models and working with eco-conscious delivery services or your own eco-friendly fleet of delivery vehicles is essential if you want to reduce the amount of carbon your company contributes to the atmosphere.

    2. Make Use Of Sustainable Materials


    Suppose your company is a producer and manufacturer of products. In that case, it may be worth looking into the types of materials you use to create these products and searching for ways in which you can replace unsustainable materials throughout the process.

    For example, you could look into replacing your packaging with kp films sustainable packaging options or search for a local alternative to the materials you use to make your products. A local alternative is going to reduce the carbon footprint further as it won’t need to be shipped halfway across the planet to get to you, significantly reducing your company’s emissions.

    3. Go Fully Digital And Reduce Waste


    As well as the overall carbon footprint of a business, there are a number of other issues that companies should be looking to tackle, including their waste. We all produce some level of waste at home and in the office, and the idea here is to try to reduce that waste as much as possible.

    Recycling certain things instead of throwing them away is something that many of us have been doing, and it’s important to try to revitalize your team’s recycling efforts. You can do this with the help of things like recycling rewards for departments and even giving certain staff members a temporary role to oversee this area. You can also help to reduce your company’s waste by going digital and cutting out paper usage as much as possible. This will also reduce the waste of plastic pens, too.

    4. Start Or Support A Green Initiative


    There is only so much we can do as business owners to reduce our impact on the environment, and it’s almost impossible to completely stop things like harmful emissions and waste. However, this can now be measured quite accurately and then weighed against the positive things we do for the environment. This can be done with the help of green initiatives such as planting trees, removing investments from environmentally damaging companies, and instead directing those business investments to eco-friendly ones instead.

    You could also look at optimizing your company’s energy usage, adding solar panels to your office space, or switching lightbulbs to energy-efficient variants. You can also do this by encouraging your team to be more conservative with their power usage, such as ensuring devices and lights are turned off when not needed, for example.

    As you can see, it’s not difficult to become a greener business so get moving in a more sustainable direction as soon as you can with your business.

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    Manuela Willbold
    Manuela WillboldOnline Media & PR Strategist
    As the Chief of Marketing at the digital marketing agency ClickDo Ltd I blog regularly about technology, education, lifestyle, business and many more topics.
    Manuela Willbold
    Manuela Willbold
    As the Chief of Marketing at the digital marketing agency ClickDo Ltd I blog regularly about technology, education, lifestyle, business and many more topics.

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