Trading Standards Scotland or (TSS) is the body that oversees the trading regulations in Scotland. They formed it in 2015 after the merger of the UK trading standards services.
Trading Standards in Scotland works with companies, consumer groups, and other government agencies to enforce regulations put in place to protect the consumers. It based the regulations that TSS follows on European regulations, UK regulations, and regulations that are specific to Scotland.
The trading standards in Scotland provide the public of Scotland information and advice on how to stay safe when making a purchase, and it regulates goods and services.
What Are Trading Standards?
The Trading Standards aims to keep consumers safe from unsafe products or poor-quality goods. It strives to prevent illegal practices in retailing activities that harm consumers’ interests. They do this by enforcing businesses to abide by certain legal requirements.
For Example:
In Scotland, these trading standards are in place to ensure that traders provide valid warranties for their products. If they do not, then you have the legal right to replace any product that is defective. Below are some points that your warranty should cover:
- The identity of the trader and his address, if it differs from the address of the manufacturer or seller;
- The effective date of the warranty;
- Its duration defines the territorial coverage, the area covered, range of products covered, or similar criterion; and also any limitation appearing on its face. It should also state how it affects your rights in case you are outside this territorial limit when you need it.
- The products to which the warranty applies.
- The actions or lack of action by the seller or manufacturer that gives rise to the warranty.
- The duration of the coverage (how long will it last), and whether you can transfer it to another person.
What Do The Trading Standards Regulate?
The Trading Standards regulate and control the production and supply of goods and services in Scotland. It also regulates certain matters that affect or harm consumers’ interests, especially in relation to contractual liability, product defect, misleading advertising, and practice, etc.
For Example:
The retail industry includes all places where you can buy goods for everyday use, such as shops, supermarkets, department stores, online stores, or discount stores. This includes supermarkets, such as Tesco or Asda.
Also covered here is any business that provides entertainment, such as cinema halls and restaurants. They also included a business offering services such as plumbing works and electrical works in this category of retailing.
However, the Trading Standards in Scotland do not cover services such as hairdressing and other personal services. The law does not apply to these cases because they do not involve a transaction that gives the consumer a right of ownership over the goods or services.
Where you are dealing with goods that are given as gifts or charity donations, the law will not apply. In addition, this guide does not cover drugs and medicines as other disciplinary bodies cover them, such as Tayside Police, as this is a criminal matter.
Should You Use Trading Standards?
No, you do not have to use the Trading Standards, but it is advisable if you want your rights protected and your interests protected by them. The primary purpose of the Trading Standards is to protect consumers. Below are some advantages of using them:
- You do not have to pay anything if someone is employing your services. If you disagree with their claim, you can take it up with them.
- Some goods and services require an expiry date even though they might be perfectly good for years or decades; in such cases, you get your money back.
Since there is no expiry date on the product label; this helps get rid of unsafe products produced in poor quality and may not last for a set period.
- The Trading Standards provide free advice for consumers when necessary, which is a big bonus.
- They help in the detection of companies that are involved in fraudulent activities or any other crimes.
Why Is Evidence Needed For Your Claim?
The Trading Standards in Scotland may refuse your case if it does not have enough evidence.
For example, you might not have paid with a credit card but by cash or through Paypal; this is not helpful when making a claim because you electronically performed all the transactions and there is no way of proving that it happened.
Another major requirement for Trading Standards to accept your claim is that you must be able to prove fault on the trader’s part. In most cases, they do this through lab testing. Sometimes, it is better to use lab testing before the purchase because sometimes problems occur after we have used a product for a long time.
Besides this, make sure that you have proof of purchase and, if possible, the invoice from the retailer. The receipt of goods should show both the inspection date and use-by date, which is helpful in proving Trading Standards had inspected whether the item was on time. You can easily open an account in any one of the trading platforms and get started with trading.
Role Of Trading Standards In Scotland
The Trading Standards in Scotland play a crucial role in the environment and have several responsibilities.
- Maintaining competition in the market
- Protecting consumers against illness or injury from faulty products
- Make sure products are safe before they go on sale
- Checking that packaging does not mislead consumers
- Ensuring that traders are not using unfair methods when selling products
- Advising consumers who wish to return unwanted goods.
Trading Standards are a large and important area of legislation and sometimes can be difficult to understand without help and guidance. They work to protect consumers by making sure that any products they buy are safe and of excellent quality.
The role of trading standards in Scotland’s economy and in your local business is crucial. Be aware of what they do and how they can help you. There are certain things that the trading standards will investigate, so if you are selling something in Scotland, you should know them.
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- Blogger by Passion | Contributor to many Business Blogs in the United Kingdom | Fascinated to Write Blogs in Business & Startup Niches
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