
    Content Marketing for more Views & Clicks

    Are you...

    Looking for more exposure of your content?

    Do you...

    Want more visibility for your website or brand?

    Should you...

    Boost your SEM with contextual advertising and media placements in the local business niche?

    We can help you achieve many Content Marketing Campaign Goals at once

    Experienced SEO Experts & Publishers For Business Content

    On-page SEO

    Unique and converting content optimisation, presentation and publication that drives traffic to our client’s websites increasing clicks and leads. Every submission is individually reviewed, optimised, published and shared via social media.

    Off-page SEO

    SEO-optimised and converting content publications include suitable website mentions to provide clickable authority references. Interactive content publications lead to higher visibility, more clicks and engagement.

    Brand Exposure

    Increased brand and business exposure through content publications like media releases, expert guides, interviews, and listings lead to more credible online references.

    Higher Ratings

    Empower your websites with better authority ratings and reviews through unique and contextual content publications within a niche attracting the right audience to understand and trust your brand more.

    Online Presence

    Effective content presentation and publication that contributes to a professional online presence to strengthen trust, authority, reputation and branding online.

    Content Marketing for more Engagement - How?

    Your content marketing campaign is in the best hands as our results show.

    We offer various publication formats and SEO optimisation and copywriting services to ensure your content succeeds online.

    All our publications are indexed on search engines like Google for maximum exposure. However, it is vital to understand that search engines will only index unique content that has not been published in the exact same format multiple times as that provides users with little value.

    Another element to understand is that content needs to contain relevant and less competitive keywords to have a chance to rank higher in search results. Plus, the more engaging the content is, meaning the longer a reader spends time going through it, the better it is rated by search engines. We therefore recommend adding interactive media for example.


    We ensure that published Content on our authority Website:

    – is tailored to the specific business website audience,

    – is published in an SEO-optimised and engaging manner, including images, graphics, videos, social media posts etc.,

    – provides our readers with clear and transparent information that is not misleading, offering them further reading into the topic via contextual references added with relevant keywords,

    – is unique and offers a custom-made reading experience to improve the likelihood of it being indexed on search engines,

    – is written and presented without grammar and spelling errors at a high standard,

    – is well-researched with a wide range of trusted and verified (re-)sources.

    Content Marketing Statistics & Results

    The below list shows the number of clicks these listed websites have received from the London Business News website within 6 months. Some are listed in our very popular directory posts that rank successfully on search engines. Could your post or mention be among these soon?


    As you can see, list posts often perform very well on search engines as they provide an overview or comparisons for readers looking for specific information with targeted keywords. But you can also see website links from guest posts and media releases in this list, showing that our readers engage well with all our published content.

    Therefore, effective publication formats need to provide readers with engaging information, hence why we offer publications with a client mention, a backlink, an image/logo or video placement, and any other useful information easily accessible for our readers.


    From posts that rank well on search engines for targeted key terms, we achieve a high number of clicks for our mentioned or listed clients. In this list the number of clicks in the extremely popular co-living places post on our blog shows that content marketing is highly effective when purposeful.


    Evidently, our readers engage with our content and visit our referenced websites to find out more or enquire about products/services.

    The London Business News Blog attracts readers from around the world with its main audience based in the UK and US. Additional exposure and engagement is achieved through posts such as blog posts and media releases also shared on Google News and Discover.

    Benefits of Content Marketing with Business SEO Experts?

    Effective and SEO-optimised content is the foundation of organic search and is the most effective way to drive more website traffic at a low cost over a prolonged period.

    Curating and publishing useful and helpful business content that answers users’ search queries on as many internet channels as possible will lead to increasing your rankings in SERPs on search engines like Google, increase your website’s domain authority plus expose your content worldwide.


    Google indexes your content if it satisfies E.A.T

    To demonstrate this, usually a combination of different content formats is required such as:

    ★ informational blog posts (on your and others’ websites),

    ★ how-to guides or expert opinion pieces that are data-driven and reflect your expertise,

    ★ interviews with other established partners, organisations, or publications,

    ★ reviews from third parties of your services or products,

    ★ promotional content such as media releases, opinion pieces etc.,

    ★ content shared on social media,

    ★ content shared in directories, listings etc.

    ★ visual content like images, graphics, infographics, videos.

    To enhance E.A.T and strengthen your SEO & Branding all of such content publications can be found on search engines, leading the users back to you. Google usually collates the most prominent content it can find in connection with a person or organisation in the so-called business profile or knowledge panel, which can be claimed and verified. This again, creates more E.A.T online, especially in combination with other verified profiles such as on YouTube, Facebook etc.

    We are happy to consult you beforehand and we also offer content writing services with SEO copywriting if you prefer to have the content tailored to our business audience.

    Choose the Content Marketing Format best for your Campaign

    Content Formats

    We are happy to consult you beforehand about the most suitable and effective business content format for your needs and goals. It is vital to get the content, including the text, the media and references right for the best marketing and SEO outcomes.

    Basic Guest Post Publication from

    £ 100
    Submit your content with suitable and copyright free images/logos, videos, social posts and one reference that readers can interact with.
    • Added Informational Reference
    • Shared via Socials
    • Featured on Home Page

    Branded Feature Publication from

    £ 150
    Submit your content with suitable and copyright free images/logos, videos, social posts and one reference that readers can interact with.
    • Added Branded Reference
    • Branded Media Elements
    • Shared via Socials
    • Featured on Home Page

    Interview from

    £ 180
    Submit your request and we will curate Q&As with your suitable and copyright free images/logos, videos, social posts and one reference that readers can interact with.
    • Added Brand Reference
    • Branded Media Elements
    • Shared via Socials
    • Featured on Home Page

    Media Release from

    £ 60
    Submit your release (ideally unique or we can assist) with suitable and copyright free images/logos, videos, social posts and one reference that readers can interact with.
    • Added Brand Reference
    • Added Branded Elements
    • Shared via Socials
    • Displayed on Home Page

    Review from

    £ 125
    Expert review post with suitable and copyright free images/logos, videos, social posts and one reference that readers can interact with.
    • Added Brand Reference
    • Branded Media Elements
    • Shared via Socials
    • Displayed on Home Page

    Listing & Mention from

    £ 100
    We will add your business information in the listing format with a suitable copyright free image/video/post and one reference that readers can interact with (can be a CTA with button).
    • Added Brand Reference
    • Added Media Elements
    • High Visibility & Engagement
    • Ranked for core Keywords

    Need Content Support?

    We can create eco-related content for all of these formats together with you once we understand your requirements. Our content writing services are available from £5 per 100 words, depending on the complexity of the content and include SEO-optimisation.

    Talk to us about your content marketing campaign and we can uncover the best SEO and marketing options together.

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